BOOM BAP and Urban Legends join forces for more real rap. Last Friday, we were partying the whole night to tunes you really rarely get in a “normal” European night club. The crowd was just fantastic. Among those worth mentioning was definitively Maxat. You don’t know who the kcuf he is? Then check the intro of his last solo album:, but to enjoy all the puns the song gets you better know some German. If you don’t, so check his last video with Fist Feel the energy, ohne Worte! BTW, you can try to find the UL-Tee in the video ;-)
On the picture below you see Maxat rep’ing that UL card. Just click on the picture to have more impressions from the BOOM BAP club. Like Top said: “Dass dieser Maxat "reeeaaal" ist, wusste ich ja schon lange. Aber ein Breakdance-Battle im Resi lässt seine Kredibilität ansteigen auf UNENDLICH!!“
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